One Story = Resources for Thousands

BrightFocus Foundation

scope of work

Clarksburg, Maryland

We had the opportunity to partner with BrightFocus by creating a PSA that connects with people emotionally and serves as an example of the help you can receive if you suspect you or a loved one has Alzheimer’s.


We wanted to increase website visits to 15,000 for the informational resource page, Get the Facts on Alzheimer’s, featuring expert disease information and videos to at least 300,000 video plays.


Create a story-driven awareness campaign during Alzheimer’s Awareness Month that will engage audiences to learn more about early disease symptoms and what to do once you or a loved one has been diagnosed.

We were honored to work with Phil and share his story as an example to others. We wanted to personify Phil’s experience vs. laying out only medical facts by using storytelling elements that were more foreboding than hopeful drew in the most engagement.


After we published Phil’s story, we had fantastic success. We created multiple short versions of his story for several platforms and languages.

  1. The landing page visits exceeded by 162% to 18,800

  2. Campaign views exceeded by 318.5%, totaling 955,688

Phil Gutis' hands as he adjusts a small project during filming with Mwendo for BrightFocus in Maryland.
Phil Gutis during his interview with Mwendo for BrightFocus.


  • Impact Documentary

  • Video Advertisements

  • Online Advertisement Campaign

Phil and his partner walking thier dog with an overlay of the BrightFocus logo and brand.

Campaign Insights

We had the opportunity to partner with BrightFocus by creating a PSA that connects with people emotionally and serves as an example of the help you can receive if you suspect you or a loved one has Alzheimer’s.

  1. When it comes to creative, dramatization & humanization wins! Copy that personified Phil’s experience vs. medical facts, as well as storytelling elements that were more foreboding than hopeful, drew in the most engagement.

  2. Facebook outperformed YouTube Ads. Meta drove significantly more traffic and higher quality traffic to the “Get the Facts on Alzheimer’s” landing page.

  3. Facebook users favor 30-second videos, while YouTube watchers are comfortable watching longer ads. While Facebook users showed a stronger propensity to click through to the landing page, YouTube watchers are already planning for a longer watching experience.

  4. Both channels are solid bets for engagement with your audience. YouTube ad view rates exceeded platform averages by ~10-20%, and Meta ad cost per landing page views are ~$0.50 lower than averages from available internal and external data.


4 Variations X2 Languages


11.16-11.23 & 11.30-12.7

Targeted Impressions


Campaign Views


UNIQUE Landing Page Users


It was a fantastic working with you to tell Phil’s story. We are so excited to tell more stories with you! ❤️
— BrightFocus

More stories in the works:

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